Want to see hot the big boats catch the whoppers? Head over to Orange Beach Marina as the entries come in for the Mobile Big Game Fishing Club weigh in their prize winning catches. The Gulf Coast Masters is holding the 47th Annual contest and some monster catches are on the scales.
Local anglers paid an Entry Fee is $6,000 per boat but the prize package totals almost $600,000 in cash!
This tournament has set the standard for Memorial Day big game fishing. The MOBILE BIG GAME FISHING CLUB was founded on August 12, 1966. Ever since it has provided record setting catches form anglers of the Gulf Coast region.
The final weigh-ins are happening this Sunday and we have some previews below:
“To foster, promote, and increase interest in the sport of big game fishing, oceanography, marine biology, and other related and similar fields; and to foster, promote, and increase knowledge concerning such sport and the related fields and sciences by way of research, and by the sponsoring of lectures, films and like educational activities; to foster, promote and increase interest in and knowledge of the conservation of our natural resources, particularly the marine resources, of our state, nation, and world; to sponsor and participate in tournaments designed to promote interest in, and knowledge of, the sport of big game fishing, and the conservation of marine resources; to engage in any other activities which will, on a sportsmanlike basis, promote interest in the sport of big game fishing; and to affiliate itself with other organizations of similar purpose. In accomplishing any and all of the foregoing purposes, the corporation shall operate wholly without profit and in such manner that no part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of any individual, and no part of the activities of the corporation shall involve the carrying-on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting, to influence legislation; and the corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in, any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office."
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