The Gulf Shores City Council met on June 12th. Under consideration was a resolution to allow MudBugs to operate through the remainder of 2023. The Council heard comments from the Gulf Shores Police Department, who stated that the establishment was functioning well after previous benchmarks had been met. Deputy Police Chief, Dan Netemeyer, commended the Council for their involvement. He added that the outlets owner had met with the Police three times and decreased the problems at MudBugs. He recommended the operational license be extended for the remainder of the year. The owner of Mudbugs asked if the hours could be extended to 2AM. The extended hours were not allowed approved but the current operation hours and license (Resolution 6701) was approved for 2023.
The City Council also approved expense vouchers in the amount of $5,378.552. Cindy King, Director of Finance and Administration, went through the list of operational expenses and capitol projects. She also explained that some contract workers and emergency projects raised the cost.
Grant Brown represented the City in providing a proclamation to the Recreation Division. He introduced Nicole Ard, the Recreation Manager, who told of the city parks and recreation centers benefits. It was noted that July is National Parks and Recreation Month. The City proclaimed the month of July as observance to the Department. (Parks & Recreation Team Members Below)
Grant Brown, the City of Gulf Shores Public Information Officer, also entered an application for public assembly related to the Shaka Beach Volleyball Tournament. The event will take place August 25-27th on West Gulf Place. The application was approved.
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