The Orange Beach City Council will consider making a nearly $7 million appropriation to Orange Beach City Schools for daily operations and money needed to continue building projects. The council will meet in a joint regular/work session at 5 p.m. in council chambers at city hall.
The current largest project for the schools is the athletic complex going up east of the middle-high school with a projected cost of $46 million. Plans call for a competition gymnasium, multipurpose pavilion, multi-sport field house, track and football stadium on the property. See related story.
Broken down, about $1 million of the $6.9 million will be for daily operating expenses and $5.8 million going to expenditures for buildings in the system.
This is the second appropriation of 2024 to city schools and this follows a $3.3 million to city schools to help fund daily operations ($1.6 million) and for expenses relating to building and transportation ($1.6 million).
An item on the work session agenda will include a discussion of an amendment to the 2024 budget to increase the school's capital project funding by $30 million. Other amendments in this item include increasing city operating expenses by $1.2 million and reducing citywide projects by $6.4 million.
During the regular session, the council will discuss:
- Approving expense vouchers totaling $1.3 million for checks written June 6-19.
- Declaring July as Parks and Recreation Month.
- A resolution to execute an amendment to the sub-award grant to add $469,150 in RESTORE money to the new Orange Beach Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education Program to replace the city’s match and fund the new center with 100 percent RESTORE money.
- Approving a special liquor license for Barometer Tiki Bar at The Wharf.
- Donating $42,850 to the Miracle League of Coastal Alabama to fulfill a 2021 match donation pledge of $100,000 to build a ball field and park for children and adults in Baldwin County with serious physical and mental disabilities at the complex in Summerdale.
- A resolution authorizing Orange Beach to raise funds for the Baldwin County Child Advocacy Center with Full-Moon Paddle events this summer at the Wind and Water Learning Center. The first event of the year will be June 22.
- Collaborating with the University of Alabama on its “Project Freedom South” project sponsored by the Alabama Department of Mental Health “for the purpose of furthering first responder education and distribution of overdose medications.”
- Buying a Ford Explorer for $37,958 for the administration department. The current vehicle, a 2013 Dodge Caravan is considered too unreliable for out-of-town travel and will be used by the Coastal Arts Center of Orange Beach.
- A resolution for the city to rent a slip for city boats at the Pelican’s Perch Marina and Boatyard in Pensacola as a haven for city vessels during storms.
- Authorizing a contract with Grace Stanton to direct the children’s production of “Alice in Wonderland JR” to be presented this fall.
- A resolution to OK a contract for former Community Development Director Kit Alexander for consulting on planning, zoning and engineering for the same department. She will be paid $100 an hour with an annual cap of $38,000. Alexander retired earlier this year.
- A contract with Sally Wyrick for water aerobics classes at the Aquatic Center.
- Entering into a franchise agreement to use city rights-of-way for Uniti Fiber to operate in the city.
- Repealing a section of the city code of ordinances concerning U-turns.
During the work session, the council will discuss:
- A proposal from NeoGov for human resources software to replace CivicHR software that was discontinued for a 36-month term for a total of $123,997.
- Clarifying terms for the Library Board. No further information was provided on the agenda.
- Vacancies on the Board of Adjustments. No further information was provided on the agenda.
- Establishing fees for the Orange Beach Swim Team for January to April at $200, May to July for $150 and August to November for $200.
- Agreeing to a land lease for Auburn University for the RESTORE-funded Gulf Coast Engineering Research Station planned for city property on Terry Cove east of Sportsman Marina.
- Setting a public hearing date to change the zoning of property in the southwest corner of Canal Road and Captain Trent Lane for a 33-lot single-family subdivision on 3.7 acres. The suggested date is July 16.
- Setting a public hearing on a modification of a planned unit development for a new Springhill Suites located on the north side of beach road between Live Bait and Doc’s Seafood and Steaks. The change deals with buffering on the north side of the lot and changing roof features on the hotel. A total of 120 rooms are proposed and the building will be seven stories.