Gulf Shores and Orange Beach are the largest economic drivers for Baldwin County. Both of their city schools have achieved the top testing scores in the State of Alabama. However, they have been denied any funds from a special tax which was created specifically fund schools within the boundaries of Baldwin County.
Now the school administrators, along with local Representatives for the State of Alabama, are teaming up to demand the Gulf Shores and Orange Beach City School Systems get "fair share" of tax distribution.
In a joint statement from both school administrations it was pointed out that Gulf Shores City Schools and Orange Beach City Schools students receive ZERO funds from the 40% of one-cent sales tax revenue distribution, even though Gulf Shores and Orange Beach contribute 17% of the $28 million generated annually. The statement added that the families contributing to these revenues should have access to the resources their tax dollars support, ensuring local education funds remain within the communities that generate them.
Local State Congressional members also joined the fight. State Senator Chris Elliott and Representative Frances Holk-Jones have introduced bills (HB-421 & SB136) which would ensure the fair funding of the schools.
"This is an issue of fairness," added Gulf Shores Superintendent Matt Akin. "Every community in Baldwin County deserves its fair share of funding to support public education, including Gulf Shores and Orange Beach."
"Our communities have made significant investments in our students and their future," said Orange Beach Superintendent Randy Wilkes. "Ensuring that education tax dollars benefit the children in our cities is the right and equitable course of action."
Opposition From Baldwin County Superintendent:
Baldwin County Schools Superintendent Eddie Tyler opposes the bills. He said the terms of the tax were negotiated years ago when Orange Beach and Gulf Shores separated from the county system. Further, he said he does not believe the legislation has enough support to pass.
The coastal schools have launched a campaign to gain support for the bills. Many of the State's politicians have connections or financial holding in the beach area.
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