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Gulf Shores Council To Vote on Variety of Projects

John Mullen • August 26, 2024

Council to Revisit Midtown Land Disturbance Permit

News in Gulf Shores, Alabama

After being denied a land disturbance and tree removal permit, Leonard Kaiser will make a second request for phase two of his Midtown Gulf Shores planned unit development on West Second Street.


“The application was denied because there was no Building Permit application associated with the development,” the proposed resolution states.


Kaiser said he needs to clear and grade the site before requesting the associated building permit.


The resolution also states, “that the decision of the city council to approve the land disturbance and tree removal permit for phase 2 of Midtown Gulf Shores is warranted because development of this particular property is intended, desired, and imminent and is unique based on the … findings of facts and conclusions.”


The council will meet at 4 p.m. on Aug. 26 in council chambers at city hall. During the meeting, the council will also consider:


  • Approving the site plan and conditional use permit for Canal Park Condo phase two to build a multifamily condo with six units at 411 E. Canal Drive.


  • Accepting a grant for the airport authority from the FAA for $46,647 with the authority and the state contributing $5,588.


  • Reappointing Mayor Robert Craft to the Board of Directors for Gulf Shores and Orange Beach Tourism. His term ends on Sept. 30 and he has agreed to continue to serve.


  • Reappointing Cindy Key, Pairzetty Bauer and Lisa Osborn to the Beautification Board for terms through Sept. 1, 2027. All three’s terms end on Sept. 1 and all have agreed to continue to serve.


  • Paying $43,600 to Jacobs Engineering Group to “review traffic signal performance through an assessment of the advance traffic signal performance metrics and look for areas of unexpected delay and/or poorly performing corridors and make recommendations on general traffic signal timing choices such as cycle lengths.” Jacobs will then present the city a report on its findings in the traffic assessment, identifying where changes need to be made and assessing the current equipment and software.


  • Awarding a bid to Harris Contracting for installation of LED lights at the Sportsplex for $279,000. Fields in the bid include Mickey Miller Blackwell stadium, baseball, softball and soccer facilities.


  • Authorizing the mayor to accept a $148,135 grant from the Alabama Department of Environmental Management to help with the building of the county’s new Material Recovery Facility on County Road 49 near the county’s landfill. The $15 million facility now under construction will serve the recycling needs of the entire county once completed.


  • Donating a surplus 2011 Ferrara Cinder fire engine to the Miller’s Ferry Volunteer Fire Department to supplement the VFD’s only truck, a 1981 Ford. Miller’s Ferry is located in Wilcox County in a bend of the Alabama River.


  • The annual contract between the city and the Alabama Department of Environmental Management to enforce regulations in the Alabama Coastal Area Management Plan to help streamline the permitting process. The city will be reimbursed $65,000 for providing the services.


  • Hiring Hagerty Consulting for grant management services related to acquiring hazard mitigation grant applications related to damage from Hurricane Sally for $22,125. The grants are seeking funds for a generator for police detectives, roadway elevation for West Fourth Avenue and strengthening city buildings at 200 and 205 Clubhouse Drive.


  • Changing the ordinance on commercial building permits in Gulf Shores to align with what the state requires for commercial permitting. This change will mean property owners seeking a permit for a commercial building for more than $50,000 must be obtained by a state-licensed contractor.


  • Restricting the use of certain staining materials and “especially red sand clay” on residential properties and construction.


  • Requests from five property owners on County Road 6 to be annexed into the city limits. The lots must all be considered for annexation to be contiguous with the current city limits.

  • An amendment to allow for golf carts to operate in the Brigadoon Trail area of the city west of State Route 59 and south of Fort Morgan Road.
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